Anyone who votes should always know what they are voting for. This is common sense. Also if they are spending our money, we have a right to know what our representatives are voting for. Most times they don’t even know what they are voting for.
I would additionally require a short summary of the bill as part of the bill. And the entire bill be posted on a public government website at least 5 days before a vote. We should end bills being signed into law when many in Congress have not even read the bill. Additionally any bill meant to keep the Federal Government going must be a single issue bill, meant only to keep the government running. Also, bills should be significantly simplified to either a single issue or a small number of related topics.
I don’t think it is realistic to require that all bills be read in its entirety. However, I do believe that enough time must be allocated for congressional staffs to review the bill before voting on it.
Agree. No adding unrelated pork to the policies, laws & bills. Also anything that would need funding should be voted on by the citizens. The people voted in do not take care of the citizens anymore.
This may also apply, showing the latest attempts at hiding legislation within bills, as well as proposed suggestions for additional transparency. Link supplied…
More here on transparency suggestions (adapting and using existing version control software in a multi-user environment)…