I absolutely agree. The last nightmare occurred yesterday with a 1500 page continuing resolution that Chuck Schlumer and McConnell spent 3 months on in secret, crafting their Christmas List of little goodies — many of which trampled the rights of Americans while protecting themselves from a future Trump administration by making their emails off limits to future investigations – can you believe the audacity of these traitorous educated idiots? They make these bills monstrous on purpose – you can stuff a lot of controversial or treasonous legislation in a heaping pile of paper that nobody has time to read. This alone should be grounds for dismissal from our sacred legislative institutions.
For any congress person that moans and groans about it having to take too long to go through each individual piece and vote on it, I have some advice. 1) Stop letting traitors cobble together secret 1500 page legislation over several months and then giving you an hour to read through it and vote on it. 2) Stop waiting to the last minute to decide things and have to vote on EVERYTHING at once. 3) Stop going along to get along up there and start becoming a squeaky wheel when you see other colleagues shoving unconstitutional or costly crap inside of bills – the bills get that big because the sick culture up there is that “everybody is doing it, so I have to get a bite of that apple too, and stick my costly garbage in there also”.
What we really need is to dump these piles of paper called “bills” and have every future bill go through a computer system, where the proper tools can be used to insert/delete/amend/search text within a bill, give each Congress person the ability to see updates in real time, no matter their geographic location, trigger email and text alerts to changes made, give each representative the ability to scroll through itemized lists, voting on some sections while opposing other sections, allowing for the system to track access, security, bill changes, and even text-to-speech renderings and congressional AI-interfacing systems. Let’s see if Schlumer and McConnell can craft some secret midnight 3-month long legislation in the back closet when you have all of Capital Hill watching every keystroke happening in real time from anywhere in the world, on their own laptop. That would certainly shut down this little game of theirs.
These congressmen/women are purposely operating in a 1950s style environment, just like banks, because they can use the delays and inefficiencies to their advantage, making millions in the process. Its time to end this entire antiquated process of how a bill becomes a law, and move it into today’s technological framework, thus eliminating these “inefficiency games” that they play in the name of legislative control. Enough is enough.
OK…stepping off the patriotic soap box now. I’m slap “griped out”. Back to you, Dave.
UPDATE: Looks like a lot of fall-out coming from that 1500 page monstrosity that Congress tried to pass…