To ban antipsychotic drugs and antidepressants

We need for a much better look into these psych drugs and their side effects and permanent disabling problems they cause especially going off the the drugs being on the drugs can cause a whole horrible varieties of side effects like the main one and worse one is akathisa that nobody talks about or has even heard of its a horrific condition that leaves a person trapped and terrified of their own body causing a person to have feelings of wanting to escape their own body to get relief it feels like your body is burning on fire with acid running through your veins you cant even sit at all not even for 5 minutes all you can do is pace and pace till you get blisters amd bleeding feet the mental torture to is beyond horrific lots of people right now are going through this horrible experience and when they try to find help they get told its their mental illness and they drug the person more with the same drugs that caused the akathisa in the first place making the akathisa even worse then some people or court orded the drugs and have no choice but to take them one man had this happen he got akathisa and begged them not to keep him on it they didn’t listen and he sadly ended his life over it thousands have ended their lives over akathisa because it is so horrific to live with countless people losing weight looking like concentration camp victims the joey marino story can be found on the internet he had both akathisa and tardive dynskia he sufferd for 9 yrs he could even eat and it would ramp up his symptoms or even drink water he had to eventually starve himself to get on hospice and peacefully pass all because of antipsychotics they know the risks and side effects but yet nothing is being dobe to stop this horrific problem please make this stop there are groups on Facebook one called living with akathisa another is alliance for akathisa and another called living with tardive dynskia i go in there and i cant believe the suffering all these people endure and cant live their lives and have kids and its horrific ive been experiencing it myself due to an antipsychotic i cant even enjoy my grandson or do the normal thibgs i used to do please make this stop make them pay


I agree with this. I was put on what i was told were “antidepressants” it wasn’t til a decade later (after i got off them) that i was told they were antipsychotics. They made me not care about ANYTHING. I lost my ability to get a regular job, I lost a house. They also gave me numerous health issues, high blood pressure, digestive issues and more.

Many of which have lasted past when I stopped.

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Currently, Psychiatrists and prescribing nurses are trained mostly by pharmaceutical companies and through regular visits and in-services given at the agencies where Psychiatrists work. A lot of free sample drugs are being given out, which are used to “help” people with limited means. Nice, eh? This is why I urge all health professionals to adopt a holistic paradigm and model of healthcare. Training of physicians, psychologists and nurses has to be entirely restructured, I think, without the funding of Big pharma. This will be expensive but worth it.

Check out to see who’s getting paid by pharma:

The scary part is the NPs and PAs who commonly misdiagnose people with bipolar or schizophrenia leading to a lifetime of antipsychotics. No reprecussions!

Also, to see who’s taking pharma money: