Antidepressants are the first top three medications now being prescribed for pain management of chronic pain conditions. This is a referral to behavioral management which is psychiatry. Patients are being registered into a psychiatry program unnecessarily and at times unknown. States are getting government grants for mental health. Therefore hijacking pharmaceutical care into their government grant program.
Antidepressants have the ability to alter brain chemistry up to possible suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants have been known for bad side effects if abruptly stopped and hard to stop taking after long term use.
Medical care and chronic pain should be treated with non psychotic medications. Remove psychiatry from medicinal management for pain control.
Separate psychiatry industry and medical industry, giving back Drs rights to prescribe pain medicines directly to their patients. Stop the psychotic drugs being prescribed for chronic pain and eliminate behavioral care referrals to psychiatry. Put it back in the hands of the primary care physicians. Stop pharma from creating mental health issues through psychotic drug prescriptions for chronic pain patients.
States get grants for mental health, therefore abusing mental health enrollment including chronic pain patients. They are using any tactic they can for their government grant money including chronic pain. Stop the forced registrations into mental health psychiatry for chronic pain. Pull the medicinal control from psychiatry. It’s a money grab for government grants.