Texting and Driving

Elon Musk should help with implementing technology to deactivate the ability to text and drive while a car is moving. Teenagers and young adults lives are at the greatest risk for being both victims and offenders of this contribution to hazardous driving. This is the new drinking and driving. The phony laws for texting and driving do not reduce the distraction or danger. GPS can still be utilized as long as the addresses input while the vehicle is stopped. Phone calls can still be made through bluetooth device. Social media, text, and internet should be disabled in moving vehicles for the general public. Officers of the government will still have the ability of full function of their devices. This would contribute to improvement of health overall. The amount of road rage, distracted driving, car accidents, and sheer volume of unnecessary traffic would all greatly reduce. Making it safer for our youth to develop driving skills and be on the road in general.