What you describe is unconstitutional. Here’s what i mean by the People:
That has not been true since 1896 when 14th amendment was past. You were made a U…S. Corporate citizen. We now have a corporation
And under “public policy” not the constitution. The board of directors (Congress) can change public policy any time they wish. I hope Trump returns us the our covered over republic.
The bureaucrats should be named, and made very clear to the people who they are, what they do, and yes, term limits instated for them as well.
Lastly, I believe that the social credit score system that has been implemented in some countries should be applied to everyone working in government, no acceptions but the President and VP. If any elected officials or bureaucrats are caught doing something illegal, wrong, etc…, then they will be removed and all their video evidence against them will be applied. And their social credit score will impact them, and only them. The people working under the umbrella of local, state, and Federal, are servants. Not Lords.
Interesting ideas @NobleComanche. How ‘bout a published org chart of the entire government so we can see all the layers and who answers to who and who is in what department ?
i agree with your first paragraph. but NOT the secolnd. you bring in social credit score—and you will soon see “mission creep” then WE ALL will have social credit scores!!! Never wish anything on another you would not want for yourself.
there are better ways. Make lobbying illegal with heavy fines and prison. Only the states and the individual PEOPLE—not corporation—can lobby.
Two terms in any office that has terms should be sufficient, but that would limit representatives to 4 years of service. That is too short given the costs to run and the people’s choice who elect them, IMO.
I think that the term for House members should be 3 years with a 2 term limit making a total of 6 years consecutive service. But, that might deprive an electorate of the services of a particularly good and effective representative; therefore why not allow one who has served the limit to run again but only after having sat out for as long as he was in office? Under such circumstances a representative could serve for 3 years, be elected to another 3 years then have to sit out for 6 years before running again, when, if elected, he could serve another 2 terms thus serving a total of 12 years.
The same would work for the senate. Set a 2 term limit (with current 6 year terms unchanged) allowing no senator to serve for more than 12 consecutive years but allowing one to sit out for 12 when he could stand for election again with the possibility of serving another 12 years or a lifetime cap of 24 years. Again, this is offered to protect the interests of the electorate.
For the Senate, I’d like to see the constitution revert to the case before 1913 when states’ legislatures appointed their senators with the same stipulations of 2 terms, out, return only after sitting out for as long as one served, etc. We have seen senators ‘carpetbag’ to states where the popular vote will elect them when the state legislature might not have. RFK and h. clinton come to mind. I say this because I believe that pure democracy is worse than other forms of governing. When there is no check on direct democracy, government devolves quickly into a tyranny of the majority. That is the very reason that the founders avoided it and put checks and balances on it.
Here’s a proposal for federal employment:
Set an overall limit of 25 years in all civil service jobs. Make retirement mandatory after having served 25 years or upon reaching 70 years of age, whichever comes first. Period. Full Stop.
Set a limit of 10 years tenure on supervisory positions. Put a 5 year limit on all head-of-agency positions. I’m an octogenarian and propose that no one serve in a civil service position past the age of 70.
I would also like to see a prohibition against private sector service within any industry that an agency employee regulated. For example, if an employee of the FDA leaves government voluntarily or through forced retirement, that individual could not work for any company regulated by the FDA whether or not the individual was a policy maker.
The Dingells of Detroit are a case in point. The original served over 50 years in the HoR then the seat was filled by family members.
IMO, we have too many examples of familial succession. I could support a position denying the right to hold office from anyone whose ancestor as recent as great grandfather served. That would, putatively, put a 75 year gap in any familial accession to power. We should avoid any and everything smacking of hereditary rights to power.
The people go along with such. It rests with an informed electorate!!!
I know many people well past 70 years who are very wise and consistently teach others. People mature at different ages. To put age restrictions is not very wise.
However I totally agree with your second paragraph.
Career politicians need no path, it needs to stop entirely!
And no more retirement packages or insurance once they are out of office!
I am writing to urgently bring to your attention a critical and growing public health crisis caused by the ** Long-term effects of SSRI Antidepressants, specifically Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD)**. This email is also being forwarded to the Trump Administration and the White House Office, as this issue requires immediate intervention at the highest levels of governance.
PSSD is a debilitating condition that has devastated countless lives in the United States and around the world. The condition, caused by SSRI antidepressants, leads to a permanent loss of sexual function, emotional numbness, and other severe side effects, leaving individuals unable to live normal, fulfilling lives. Many have tragically taken their own lives due to the unbearable impact of this condition.
Key Points of Concern:
- Fertility and Health Crisis:
PSSD contributes to the falling fertility rate in the U.S., as it significantly impairs reproductive health and function.
The long-term damage to mental and physical health threatens the well-being of millions, undermining the vitality of our nation. - Inadequate Regulation:
Despite mounting evidence, SSRIs continue to be prescribed without adequate warnings about their irreversible side effects.
Who is responsible for approving and monitoring these drugs, and how are they allowed to remain on the market despite their catastrophic consequences? - Need for Immediate Research on Cures:
No effective treatment or cure currently exists for PSSD, leaving sufferers without hope or recourse.
Urgent funding and focus must be directed toward finding a solution for this condition.
This situation is not just a personal health issue-it is a societal crisis. The health, happiness, and productivity of our citizens are being systematically eroded by the unchecked use of these hazardous substances.
I implore the FDA to take the following actions immediately:
Review the approval and monitoring process for SSRIs to prevent further harm.
Mandate stronger warnings on all SSRI medications about the risk of PSSD.
Allocate resources soon to RESEARCH and develop CURE for PSSD.
The future of America depends on its people, and their health must be safeguarded above all else. I respectfully request your urgent attention to this matter. Millions of lives, including my own, are at stake.
Thank you for your time and action.