Term limits for Senators and Representatives

Agree! With blockchain voting the BALLOT BOX would be term limits—the true will of the people!

I agree but we could address graft and all kinds of abuses of office from nonfeasance to misfeasance to malfeasance along with punishments to include removal from office upon conviction, fines and even imprisonment while simultaneously setting term limits.

You are giving too much wriggle room. You ALWAYS stop the steal FIRST BEFORE you even consider term limits.

I think term limits are a must along with age limits.


Do you know what a “lame duck “ is? If you do you would never ever want term limits! Why do you think the ballot box is hindered? It IS term limits and age limits too.

I agree to a point, we need term limits on everyone member of the government but 10 years terms Max’s, works out to 2 1/2 terms, make it 8 years max, it would be the same as the President’s term years, also they can’t run again for 10 years again for office of any position in the federal government. This will cut out the career politician and stop the corruption happening now, bring in new blood and ideas could be beneficial to our country, also there pay structure, needs to be restructure, in coming members, need to be paid less then another that, say is on there second term, no different, when we would start a job, we start out at a lower pay then others.

We need to use the BALLOT BOX for term limits!!! The founders KNEW what a lame duck can do—just one! You want a whole gang of them at the SAME time???

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but the BALLOT BOX can do all this and MORE! what if you like to KEEP good constitutional legislators?? you cannot!

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On average, Representatives serve for 8 years (four terms). The 7 longest serving in history held office for over 50 years each!

The reason Term Limits is worth discussing is because it’s generally difficult to beat an incumbent, and those in power want to stay there— badly.

It won’t help set term limits that had to be a bill that passes first

are you saying the people have no choice in voting them out? if so, that is all the more reason to strengthen voting.

@Hopinow I think we need Term Limits because it’s so difficult to vote politicians out. Even the senile ones manage to stay in office because of name recognition, donor base, political favors, etc.

We already have career, unelected, bureaucrats who are just about impossible to fire.

If you want to see hard times—just have term limits and a bunch of “lame ducks”all at the same time! They can do anything they want and they do! Even ONE lame duck is one too many! Our voting is rigged. That is why they stay in. We have to have all this rigging out in the open—then we fix it.

I think we need to have more rules and far more prosecutions for their lies and illegal activities. Way more transparency would probably be the best answer for the dirty politicians.

Not so much term limits but no consecutive terms. This prevents representatives spending half their time in office and senators their last year in office running for re-election. They get the privilege of working their whole term and more can get done. If they do a great job they can run again later.

lol. Sounds good. But in practice they just get their payoffs from corporations Quicker!!!
And promise to be back later. Or, they become lobbyists for those same corps. Before you even THINK about term limits or rotating terms, you have to stop the graft FIRST. Then there would be no need for term limits. The ballot box would be term limits.

BAD IDEA they could get rid of the whole constitution and then you would be in for a serious rude awakening. Just like they did with the articles of confederation. Lose all your protections against an over reaching and over bearing federal machine. The federal government is THE problem child of the states. The states are the parent letting the child run amuck.

The People are the parents. The state and federal governments are the wayward children. We need Marriage and Family Therapy.

Agree. You are absolutely correct! :heart:

Do you realize that when your mother and father “registered “ you at birth you were made a ward of the state? Where do you think CPS gets its authority? Parents don’t own children.