Term limits for Senators and Representatives

do you have any IDEA what an ART V convention even IS? its not pretty! read James Madison’s Federalist Papers—-then make an INFORMED decision.

Absolutely know what it is and why it’s there. The federal government and Congress is out of control and needs to be fixed by co situational amendments they will never volunteer to implement.

We can do a lottery to select 1/3 of the Reps each cycle to be subject to term limit so at most only 1/3 of the House is lame duck. Not to say the House won’t still be lame.

Do you realize how many that is that WILL NOT have to face constituents???

I think you have been listening to COS toooo long. You don’t know what the Federalist Papers say. If you did, the last thing you would want is an Art V Convention. COS calls it “a convention of states! It isn’t.

Help me understand what you mean.

Regardless of what we do with term limits, every two years the entire House has to earn reelection.

yes. But their last year would be “lame duck” with term limits! So, WITH “term limits” their last year they are FREE to do any crazy, most profitable things they can do!!! A whole bunch at the SAME time TOO! that is what you get with TERM LIMITS! They dont have to face constituents. Dont you see?

Yes. And, you are savvy to be cynical.

The way I take it, almost 100% of our Reps are eventually lame duck— they all have a final term eventually and can take advantage of it.

It’s certainly possible that a good Rep will suddenly turn bad and abuse their position just because they’re lame duck. But, I’d like to read examples of that happening often.

All the replies here have valid points as well. Beyond term and age limits a true national 3rd party is needed, Both Senate seats should come up at the same time. Currently if you live in a blue state it is likely both Senators are Dems and the opposite is true in red states. Nobody represents the blues. Numbers aside 85% of American counties are red but more people live in the blue counties. Under this arrangement it would be a 3 way race with top two vote getters gaining the seats. it will either be red/blue, red/ind, blue/ind. The independents will most likely be the deciders and least politically motivated. Just a thought. You have my vote.

do term limits and you will have a front row seat! what you are proposing. would be not just one or two—but a WHOLE GANG all at the exact SAME time. Enough to pas a bill!

Both The Senators and Representatives have shorter terms than what you just said so I don’t get why you have so many people behind this it’s ridiculous but honestly a great start to how one should understand offices. You should look it up it’s great it’s fun and wonderful.

looks like the third party is already here. Deeper. It is called MAGA/MAHA.

Senators have a six year term and reps have a 2 year term/. I have studied the constitution since a child. Also Federalist and Anti Federalist papers. I am telling you why the founders DID NOT put in term limits—creates too many lame ducks at ONE TIME. They knew the people would RISE UP at the ballot box. many legislators WANT term limits!!! i am telling you WHY!!! but you dont listen. You are one of we the people—why dont you study the constitution and federalists papers. then you could tell others. I think PragerU offers a free course .

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Your right that is what i read lol. i forgot because i stayed up last night. what he said just didn’t make sense because it says for 10 year terms which is ridiculous and everyone knows but honestly i amm only saying that because of potential long term currupted politicians that won’t to avert law and investigations let lawyers do their job. any lol i was just ranting i guess my bad.

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LOL. tou are alright! No worries.

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I think senate and congress term lilits are a must. It should be 2 terms if 4 years each, just like the president. Then they go back to civilian life, with no security detail( unless they pay for it themselves) and they pay for everything out if their pockets in civilian life, no perks! This is the only way we will see who has America’s best interest at heart and who is looking to make themselves rich off the tax payers.

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I have been a Dem most of my life but became independent after Obama. As much as I support MAGA that doesn’t mean I totally agree. Both parties have the exact opposite position on every view particularly the Dems. They will not support ANY Republican initiative and it has only gotten worse after the election. If the house and senate were 10% or more independents they would become the “deciders” of policy based on the merits o the policy, not the politics. Votes may still fall along party lines but independents well determine the outcome.