Term limits for Senators and Representatives

Ah, I see. That unfortunately for you I disagree. @Hopinow

The founding of our Nation was fraught with many compromises that do not mirror the principles of liberty and freedom portrayed by the Constitution or our ideology.

If your concern is that citizens do not have the power to remove members of Congress at the whim of the people, than my suggestion-along with Congressional Terms-would be some sort of petition clause to give the people the power to remove a member of Congress without the legislature, and a sunset clause for political party organization.

  • Congress per the Constitution can ‘…with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member’ of the Senate. Let’s also grant this exact power to the people, per petition. That way Senators are still elected by the People, and not a legislature.

  • Members of Congress should be limited to ‘single issue platform’ when organizing under a political party. Members of Congress otherwise should function under non-partisan representation of their peers.

  • Term Limits for Federal Congress would limit the amount of time Members of Congress have to achieve their goals, destroying the ‘do nothing’ mentality of our current ‘aristocrats’.

The Nation and Constitution was created in such a manner that it was intended to be amended and evolve. Alexis de Tocqueville, a Frenchman visiting the US during the 1830s and '40s wrote that due to the ideology of Liberty and Freedom, one of the founding principles of the US was inevitably incompatible with the American Republic; Slavery.

To quote you:

EVERY “amendment that SOUNDS so great always takes power from the people!.

The 3/5ths comprimise is a protion of the Constitution that was crafted by our founders, yet directly limits the power of the people.

There are much greater issues, like Reapportionment of Representatives or Median Pay for Members of Congress.