I agree because the longer you are in government the more power you have to influence others in government. If you limit terms for congress, but not terms for non-elected officials then non-elected officials have more power. The administrative state should have no power over congress and all of their policies should be approved by congress as a check and balance to term limits.
We must have term limits for our public officials. Not having term limits leads to the chance that officials will be blackmailed and have to do what they are told -and vote the way they are told to, for years and years……. Term limits will lower our risk of our officials being held hostage over their entire public career for a bad choice they made. It hopefully will be discouraging to other governments trying to get our politicians on film breaking the law.
How about you can only serve one term in a row. This way those in the house work their full term vice spending half their term trying to get reelected. If they do a good job should be easy for them to get reelected two years down the road.
I think they need to be able to serve at least two terms consecutively. Any job requires a level of knowledge and expertise that only comes with time.
I love this forum here, just found it today! Fantastic!
I agree with term limits, but I think it should be set like the Presidential office. If the best person in the world only gets 2 4 terms, that should be good enough for the house, senate and non elected individuals. You could say, they sit out a term. The try again, because if they are great at their job, they could run again.
Rather than term limits, why not look at re-elections based on “proof of success within their own district”. They must consistently maintain over 60+% approval within their district AND PROVE they can raise funds within that same district. The $ amount threshold to be determined based on the demographics of the district with volunteerism counting as a $ value.
I propose a limit on elected officials including the President to be no more than 12 years max no matter how many terms you have served. that that max limit includes serving in the House or senate and only be reset if you run for and are elected president and then you get a max of 3 terms as president and can no longer run for political office there after.
I agree, there should be term limits in the House and Senate. Also, they should not be able to give themselves pay raises!! It seems like they have too much power and not enough oversite !