Taxing Corporations for Unhealthy/Cancerous ingredients

If corporations are making foods with red 40 or high fructose corn syrup the we should tax those goods so that healthier options are cheaper. It will force corporations to make healthier products because they won’t be taxed. It will also decrease the government deficit if certain conglomerates choose to continue manufacturing unhealthy foods.

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… or just ban toxic substances… why allow them, at all?

I agree with this idea 100% was going to post this myself but found yours. Companies will stop seeing the cost savings by including garbage in our foods. If they want to continue then let them but they will have to pay for them. Most of these bs chemicals are in there because they are cheaper to use then something else or real food. Lets take their savings away. If people want the unhealthy crap then they will pay more for it. Once Companies see its cheaper to put healthier ingredients in food they will always go the cheaper route.