Organic Food Corporate Tax Incentive

First, all known carcinogens in food should be banned and companies that produce food with this poison and malicious intent should be prosecuted.

We need to break up the Food monopolies that are causing America to have the lowest life expectancy in all of the developed countries in the world.

We should also not have to pay a premium to prioritize our health.

All these government handouts to renewable energies, THAT DON’T WORK, are going back into the pocket of the neocons that are stakeholders in said companies.

Stop the redistribution of our wealth to the cronies and use our tax payer dollars towards something that benefits us.

All corporate tax credits should be cut from renewable energies. If the people believe in it, then let the private sector invest it and compete in the free market.

Those tax credits should be given to our farmers and food producers that care about Americans and we will see those cost savings at our grocery stores. Prioritize local natural grocers and let them compete with the major grocers. Give the people the choice.


Good idea on supporting cooperatives with Tax incentives. However cutting incenetives to renewable energy which is also critcal for farms and ranches i snot necessary.

Let’s refine and improve this proposal

:point_right: Reclaiming the Soil & Water Commons for Health, Sovereignty, and Sustainability