These food companies have been poisoning us U.S. citizens, costing us thousands of dollars! They should have to pay for the damages they caused to our health!
I agree! To add meat to the bones of your point of view, we must identify all the players involved. In the 1930s Congress enacted commodity price supports, supply regulations, import barriers, and crop insurance. Farm Subsidies from taxpayer dollars for Large Crop Producers of corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, sugar, and rice, were available in the form of insurance coverage. The federal government spends more than $30 billion a year on subsidies for farm businesses and agriculture.1
It protects farmers from fluctuations in prices and revenues and subsidizes their insurance, land improvements, loans, marketing, research, and export sales. The expansive subsidies are a peculiar policy because farms are at no more risk than any businesses in other industries, therefore, the $30 billion funds need to be reduced and redistributed among the adversely affected people of America. For example, the large crop producers deliberately spliced glyphosate poison into the target crop’s DNA, with total disregard for the consumer but only to reduce their cost of production. This is a very easy and straightforward transition for those people suffering from serious health issues, caused by consuming unlabelled vegetables, processed foods, beef, pork, poultry, and fish all fed on GMO crops and/or feeds laced with glyphosate poison. The FDA has failed to warn the public of such toxic foods, known to cause cancer. The FDA needs to be restructured or a new organization created to do the job the FDA failed on, by protecting the people from toxic foods.
To sum up, the Large Crop Producers have their budgets slashed which is due about now, and money could be reallocated to alternative healthcare service providers, with real “cures”, yes this word is currently outlawed by the FDA, which is why they need to go. New funds should be allocated for research and development of alternative healthcare service providers with current natural remedies for the health issues facing Americans today.
Also, new food-growing technology must be funded to develop replacement crops and foods when the toxic GMO foods are finally labeled, as being too dangerous for your health, and even banned from being sold in America.
Thank you