Tax Exempt 501's

We need to end ALL 501 tax exemption policies. We are funding our own demise with billionaires getting a free ride. Any organization that is truly doing charitable work will be funded by the people voluntarily. The vast majority of 501s are a total rip off. They do more harm than good and they must be ended. No one should be free of paying taxes. NO ONE. This also includes churches. Many churches are held back from preaching the true word of God because they fear losing their 501 status. The church should be supported by the members.

I wouldn’t say end all 501 tax exemption policies but I would say simplify and remove the use of many of the status’ looking at the largest 501c3’s in the top 10 are all hospitals. With the cost of health care being what it is the fact they are able to also wash funding through 501 status is inappropriate.