Take the Federal Government out of the Union States of America

the self governing DO NOT CONSENT TO BE GOVERNED they retain all the power they were granted from their creator

the self governing do not need states to live

they grant a portion of their power to create states to parties who want to be governed

the governed then grant a portion of their power to create the federal government to have a post office, a standing military and to govern the territories

United States of America Constitution was created by those parties to govern the territories not the states

pass a Bill in Exclusive Equity to return the intent and spirit of the law back to the self governing and correct this mess

What is Exclusive Equity?

It is a jurisprudence that each and every one can decide for themselves to be the jurisprudence of a law form that governs one’s own world. When the founding men both male in nature and female in nature created the experiment named America, they proclaimed on this land there will never be a single king ever again that all men are created equal with liberty, the ability to create their own worlds under one law form called Exclusive Equity and that law form had only one law: Do Not cause Harm, Do Not cause Damage. If Harm or Damage is caused, the party that is causing Harm or Damage to another party is to make the party Harmed or Damaged WHOLE. This means making the party Harmed or Damaged feel as though the Harmful or Damaging event never happened, provided the party Harmed or Damaged uses good reason and good conscience in creating a remedy, and no third party government is to contaminate that remedy with unreasonable or unconscionable actions. Want a better world, join us in assisting you in building your world in Exclusive Equity, the principles of the founding of this great nation one world at a time. Let us help you hang your banner of sacred honor along with ours, be that beacon of light on the hill for others to follow.

             Its a USUFRUCT if you can keep it

I’m having a difficult time understanding what you’ve written here.

what was written is how this republic was created for the spiritual man.
the spiritual man retains all the power graciously granted from the creator.
there is a verse that say woe you lawyers…
what that verse is talking about is the jurisprudence of Exclusive Equity
that jurisprudence is for self-governance
when that jurisprudence is used it excludes all other governance from any and all outside authority except the creators law because it is the creators law form

Can you speak in plain text rather than a word salad of political and philosophical jargon?

you want true freedom learn Exclusive Equity to stop globalists in their tracks

I’ll take that as a “No”.

Maxim: the created can not be greater than the creator

  1. creator creates man
  2. man creates self-governance
  3. self-governing man creates states for other men who want to be governed
  4. the governed of the states create federal government to have a postal system, a standing military to protect the states from external invasion and to govern territories and not to govern the states or the self-governed

All you’re doing is continue to pontificate.

please which part do you not get

All of it.

You are speaking in political jargon and meaningless strings of words that read like they’re meant to sounds smart but don’t actually go anywhere.

Speak in plain English.

Lay out what you see as the problem, then lay out what you see as the solution.

Do it in a way that that is simple, basic, and easy to read.

the problem is that the federal government thinks it has authority over the states that is was not granted

the states think it has authority over the self-governed that it was not granted

that is not a self-governing Republic

The answer is enforcing the 10th Amendment.

Such as?

it is called the rule of law created by man

the creator created the intent and spirit of the law

if you are not causing harm or damage to another…the state has no authority to penalize you for breaking a rule that is called unjust enrichment

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