Take the Federal Government out of the Union States of America

the self governing DO NOT CONSENT TO BE GOVERNED they retain all the power they were granted from their creator

the self governing do not need states to live

they grant a portion of their power to create states to parties who want to be governed

the governed then grant a portion of their power to the create federal government to have a post office, a standing military and to govern the territories

United States of America Constitution was created by those parties to govern the territories not the states

pass a Bill in Exclusive Equity to return the the intent and spirit of the law back to the self governing and correct this mess

I totally agree! One hundred percent. However and also, I was thinking of logistics for projects outside of the immediate household that needed tending, like roads, other large community projects such as railroads, business across locales, etc. It may be that we need a way to communicate and act logistically while creating hubs of action to those efforts. I want to propose that the current “state governments” be replaced in every state by The State Office of the People’s Governance where each community will send a scribe to represent their official written decisions about such events and actions that might come into play within and around their own communities. I do believe that the original Founding Fathers intended local control instead of these State monstrosities. I do believe we see this in their speech and writing about territories. So, within this proposal, sovereign people would gather within their own defined ‘community’ to decide those things that affect the whole community such as trade, transportation on a large scale, etc. and then each community send a scribe to the new State Office of the People’s Governance for vote and action. The current ‘state’ government would become the arm of action ONLY, cut to ten percent of what is currently there, by providing NO DECISION MAKING capabilities, only work & logistical actions such as road fixtures and transportation. Perhaps the coordination of community militias, postal services regulated by the Office of the People’s Governance, etc. Also, the State Office of the People’s Governance will not remain open or will not pay participants. They will meet quarterly or whenever there is cause, retaining the community right to not participate, or to selectively participate.

The bottom line is that we need to empower COMMUNITIES so that we put the collective power of the People into the hands closest to the People in the cases of those things we use, build, need together. :heart: :heart: