Everyone breaths the air, drinks the water and eats the food. No one and no animal is immune to this disaster. The amount of chemicals being spewed into the air is disastrous, all in the name of “keeping us safe”. It’s destroying us. www.geoengineeringwatch.org.
What is it supposed to keep us safe from, anyways?
Sometimes they say it isn’t happening, others say it’s to keep us safe… I think we’ve all seen ‘contrails’ that don’t disappate but instead spread out into cloud banks that weren’t there before. That didn’t used to happen ever and now it does. Something is obviously happening to OUR SKIES and we have a right to know about it. I can think of actual good reasons it might be done, so I’d like to know the purpose before saying get rid of it for certain. Someone has spent huge amounts of time and resources on this. Why?
It’s most likely simply to defile the planet until it’s unusable… But let’s hear what the truth is, if that’s remotely possible.
This is something that should be outlawed day 1 of the Trump Administration. In addition to chemtrails, cloud seeding should be banned as well. I truly believe Hurricane Helene and western NC wouldn’t have happened.
What would happen if one of these planes had an accident? What would be reported. Or, what if an air force jet forced it to land and inspected it for weapons being used against the citizens of America. Arrested the pilot and charged him and the company for terrorism against the American people. This has gone on for many, many years with no consequences. WHY?
This has nothing to do with weather anymore. I live in Arizona and a blue sky is streaked with chem trails and everybody is coughing and hacking. Who in the hell is paying these companies to poison our air? It is a daily event. Who is benefitting from these actions? Ban it everywhere and people can get back to being healthy.
Absolutely, please stop this happening immediately. Although I think there are good forces at work to eliminate this. The action couldn’t be soon enough.
Stop all Weather Modifications!
We might also consider taking proactive steps to prepare for going after these corporations at a later date…
Arrest Chemtrail Pilots for Crimes against the Nation!
Chemtrail concern is not stupid at al. Chemtrails are absolutely currently happening on a daily basis. Contrails are vapor trails and in a few minutes the vapor trail (contrail) is gone. Chemtrails on the other hand disperse and fan out and become cloud-like streaks in the sky. Listen to the medical medium podcast for the truth about Chemtrails (bottom of this post).
It gets even worse. Heavy metals are in these chemical trails and they are landing on both conventional and organic crops… making organic produce that much less organic. It’s also falling on the grass that the free range chickens and cows eat and pick through so our free range meat has more heavy metals in it.
Also, these chemtrails are hurting bee populations of all kinds. And you remember how we used to hear about large flocks of birds dropping dead mid-air and plummeting to the earth. You guessed it, they flew through a concentrated pocket of poison in the sky/air and it killed the entire flock (or most or many of them).
RFK Jr. helped create Waterkeeper Alliance, which ensures that the world’s Waterkeeper groups are as connected to each other as they are to their local waters, organizing the fight for clean water into a coordinated global movement.
I think it’s high time Airkeeper Alliance gets created for the same reason Waterkeeper’s was.
This would apply since it gives more definition to what chemtrails are (vs. contrails)…