Opioid crisis

We need better pain management other than opioids and less benzodiazepines. I don’t have an example of a solution but I do know they are being prescribed too freely and not properly supervised. I don’t see much on the topic but it’s so sad to see so many people ruining their lives because of these drugs that doctors are prescribing.

Are u serious …no Drs are prescribing freely . especially both opioids and benzos together… I had to choose between the two .and there are people out here that are suffering in horrible pain dieing in pain cause they can’t get the proper pain treatment .I’m on palliative care and I have to jump through hoops to get my meds not to mention some pharmacist dont want to fill them …your post is complete bull.


I think people with mental health conditions or prior addiction should be made to stay in the hospital while on it, and then they dont get any prescription to take home …

You are not serious, are you? Do you realize how hard it is for us chronic pain patients to get medication? NOPE! We can’t get it for an amputation, Cancer, Hospice, and on and on. Doctors will not prescribe because of illicit drug use and overdosed on the streets. Those are the people to worry about, NOT US!!


I agree I lost both of my legs .I’m 67 and I am on palliative care I still have to jump through hoops to keep my pain meds …


Yup, another person who refuses to take a minute to actually find out whats happening in the area… good on your types because now people can’t get pain medication after things like transplants, open heart surgery, amputations,…