I would like to see campaign spending caps. Are you tired of endless political ads? Are you tired of money in politics? Are you tired of fund raisers for favors? Let’s cap the amount a campaign can raise and spend. Like they do in the NFL. No more caviar fund raisers. No more big donors. Just cause you have wealthy friends doesn’t mean you should hold office. This is one of my steps to get money out of politics. The current format allows dark money to decide the nominee. We all know most people vote for the people they see on tv the most. That’s why they spend so much on advertising. Because it works. We are not voting for the best we are voting for the best funded. Those donations come with favors. People with the gold are making the rules. We need to return power to the people. Let’s start by removing money from public service. Politicians have become nothing but fund raisers in suits. I don’t want a few billionaires deciding who represents me. They don’t represent us they represent them.
I agree, and I would also ban donations from foreign and corporate entities as well. Get dark money out of elections.