Specify Black Americans as an ethnic group separate from recent African/Carribean immigrants

Other than Native Americans, Black Americans are the only other group that is not immigrant in America.
While immigrants have contributed to this nation, the fact remains that Black Americans had the biggest impact on America from hundreds of years of American Chattel Slavery to massively influencing and being the heart of American culture.

What we have seen for many decades now is an attempt to minimize our impact on America from mass immigration (that has historically harmed us) to melinated immigrants in high positions cosplaying as Black Americans. An example of these people are: Kamala Harris (Indian), Joy Reid (Congo/Guyana), Barack Obama (Kenyan), Roland Martin (Haitian) and many others. All of the said individuals used the Black American experience to imply/claim our lineage and undermine us. None of them share our lineage and such people are becoming more common as more people come to America due to immigration.

Many children of immigrants in America may consider themselves “Black American” because they are “racially black” in America but that’s not fair or just for a people who do not have an association with a lineage to come here and claim to be part of simply because they are born here. A Jamaican child born in America to Jamaican parents should not have to racially call themselves anything. They should be able to fill out Jamaican-American on forms (or at the very least be able to specify their family origin) and not consufe their immigrant background with a people that are not immigrants (Black Americans).

The OMB should retire race in that sense and put the focus on ethnic groups because while we are all Americans, we must acknowledge our heritage and history and recognize that certain groups (like Black Americans) made a massive contribution to this nation and it’s culture. This is not something those from immigrant backgrounds should be able to claim as they do not share our lineage.

Furthermore, many initiatives that were meant for Black Americans have been (in practice) lift all programs that benefit everyone while Black Americans are the ones getting the breadcrumbs. Under the Obama administration, the word Negro was retired and “Black American” is not properly defined by the OMB so many may think melinated immigrants born here are Black Americans when nothing could be further from the truth.

In wake of all of this, I am requesting to President Trump that a category specifically for Black Americans be made to the OMB so our ethnic group can be acknowledged. African-American is not a logical term for Black Americans as a true African-American would be one who voluntarily comes here from Africa. A Nigerian-American would fit the logical definition of African-American. Black American should be the new standard and specified to ensure that Black American culture and history has a status that is clear and not confusing.


Black American - North American ethnogenesis in the portion of land that would later become the U.S. The Americans of the Black Laws and Codes. These laws and codes were written to persecute and document their existence under the names: Black, Slave, Negro, Free People of Color, Mulatto, Freedmen, Colored & Mustee.