Eliminate the term African American, it is further advancing segregation

All americans in the United States are considered equal. We all have equal rights and protections. Segregation should not exist. However, when when people want to set themselves apart from others for any reasons, they are now increasing segregation instead of fighting it. There are different colored citizens of the United States but we are all Americans. There are white Americans, dark Americans and varieties of color. Let it be. If this continues there may be blue eyed Americans or brown hair Americans, or slant eyed Americans, etc. Stop iT!

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We need to eliminate the term of hyphenated Americans and instead us Americans of a particular country like American of Irish descent or American of African descent. We citizen’s are Americans first.

Remove racial and ethnic identity from,the census.

We also need to eliminate cultural identity and federal documents in multiple languages.

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I agree that segregation needs to end. I think we need to shift from either all color categories or all geographical, but right now we have apples and oranges … only two groups by color and everyone else by geography. We need to pick one, and apply it to everyone.