Ensure that citizens receive the full amount of social security they paid in to be returned to them. Allow surviving spouses to receive full amount paid in by deceased spouses as a life insurance sum upon death. Eliminate social security and make TSP plans available to all citizens instead; allow full amount paid in to be transferred to a. TSP or IRA.
You cannot live on SS today- Gov has stolen our money we have paid in all our lives- all money back compounded with interest. Option to take it all at one if we want. It’s our money- maybe SS should be a choice- to put into - with guarantees of rates of return?
Right now Social security only pays a $200 death benefit for burial. I think with as much money as Social security gets to keep after we die they can at least pay for the cost of cremation which can be as high as $2,000 in my experience.
Social Security should be completely free and cover all treatments that are available. We have paid into the system since we had our first job! We have paid our dues! If we don’t have enough money to cover the cost of seniors health it’s because it’s been mismanaged! Automate with AI and get rid of all these people who just push papers and take up space, allow workers to work from home and get rid of the buildings to cut down on costs. Allow online consultations and pay family members to be trained and provide care! Lean this system up!
Surviving spouse’s should not have to wait until they are retirement age to receive benefits