Social security benefits for all American born children born disabled at birth

Make social security disability payments for American born disabled children regardless of parental income.

My child born disabled gets no benefits no Medicaid no disability as her father earns too much .

The equation is done on gross income not net .
Any American born child of American citizens should automatically recieved Medicaid and full social security disability payment like they will when reaching 18yrs old .
This would enable a parent to stay as a full time carer and the child to recieve all medical assistance needed.

Private insurance co pay is astronomical.
And make Medicaid the same throughout US not different in every state please.

For clarification there was no sign of disability throughout my pregnancy.
To be denied social security disability for a registered disabled child is life changing . To not recieved Medicaid is life changing .
We pay a high rate of taxes but get nothing back .
This situation needs resolved.

It can be paid for easily , use the money that goes to all illegal immigrants !!!


I agree 100%. My youngest son has Down Syndrome and it has been nothing but a battle from day 1.
We decided to have the amniocentesis test done prior to birth so that we would know for sure and could begin preparing. At the time I was driving a truck and earning approximately $55,000 per year with private insurance through Blue Cross/ Blue Shield. On paper I suppose that seems fine. However, that was not the reality. We too were told that I made too much money per month for him to qualify for disability benefits and insurance. However, my private insurance did not want to pay for certain things (specialized walker, tablet for communication, etc.) because they say they weren’t necessities. While I was making good money, it was not enough to pay out of pocket for those expenses, but too much for him to qualify for benefits. So, there we were stuck in between the red tape.
Parents of children with special needs/disabilities should not have to stress about whether or not their child will receive benefits. They are already stressing about appointments, surgeries, long term care, equipment etc. they should not have to stress about their child receiving the benefits they deserve. Too many parents, along with myself, are forced to live inside this box and it makes a difficult situation even more difficult.
Children with special needs/disabilities should receive their benefits regardless of parental income. They will experience difficulties throughout life that neurotypical people will never understand. These are issues that won’t go away, nor will they be cured. The last thing they should have to worry about is fighting for assistance that they deserve.

YES!!! I do not understand why any person who was born with a depilating disability at birth does not receive FEDERAL assistance. I believe in leaving it to the states but, it is not fair that a family in North Carolina with a severely disabled child get more benefits than the same child in South Carolina. My sister who is 10 years younger than me was born with such rare syndrome that there are only 40 cases known. She is completely dependent on my parents and is wheelchair bound. When my parents pass on. I will have to uproot my life to move to that state because, my sister will receive less benefits in the state I live in. I understand we can’t really take care of everyone. I am a type 1 diabetic and believe my insulin should be completely free so, I CAN LIVE. I do not know what caused my type 1 but, I can get up and get to work everyday and function. My sister has the mind of a 6 year old. She CANNOT. Special needs families need benefits before everyone and if we do any type of universal insurance; it should be just for families of severely disabled children and adults that are completely dependent.


Exactly my situation I whole heartedly agree with you