Every U.S. citizen with a mental or physically disability diagnosed by a licensed doctor in the United States qualifies for Medicaid regardless of the income of a parent or guardian of the citizen with the disability.
Inspired by my daughter Madeline:
This has been a real issue for my family as my daughter who has cerebral palsy does not qualify for Medicaid due to me and her mother’s income. We are middle class Americans and its difficult for us to save any sort of retirement especially with inflation on the rise. She’s also had other health issues since birth that has required surgery, equipment, and botox treatments that insurance will only pay so much. Insurance didnt pay one cent for the botox treatments to treat her muscle spasticity. She only qualifies for the First Steps program up to the age of 3 to recieve physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. It’s frustrating that we have to struggle when people who aren’t citizens of this country have access to our tax dollars.
Make All Payments for healthcare and health insurance tax deductible.
Many Americas are struggling with the cost of Healthcare.
Many Americans pay nearly $1000 a month in health insurance costs for their families and when they go to use their insurance there is a $8000 Yearly Deductible they need to reach before it pays some part of your healthcare expenses.
The total amount of All Healthcare expenditures will become a tax deductions for the Payer of those costs.
Even if you are filing using the standardized deduction, this subtraction comes off before any itemized or standard deduction is applied.
Absolutely understand abusing the system. I could see someone with “mild depression” trying to receive this benefit when it should be more geared toward someone with Down Syndrome. Perhaps a lawmaker, much smarter than myself, can lay a more specific and strict policy that applies for actual disabled Americans.
i agree with this. i am disabled and that is the only income i have is my social security disability have an incurable disease and unable to work im on oxygen i can work from home. i am highly educated however, working would decrease my income from the ssdi, i cannot make ends meet, i should qualify for food stamps, but i get 23 dollars a month. i do not even have a vehicle as i cannot afford one, and lost my car 8 years ago. it cost me more money to shop online than if i could go to the store, and paying for medication or co pays just eat sup money i could use for food or essentials. everything goes uo but my paycheck this year what little i got for an increase my landlord took because they increased my rent by 35 dollars so it actually cost my increase and more. so sad, and they said every year Medicare gives an increase they will be raising our rent as well going forward. i am existing not living and its so very sad. im stuck. i live in an apt growing black mold i have no windows to see out of or to let sunlight in i cannot move to a better place because rents other places go beyond my pocket book. i dont even have a washer and drier hook up and have to wash clothes by hand 7-8 years now. so yes i agree Medicaid should be included with ssdi for disabled. it is in Florida but not here where i live. it would help me so much esp if i could get more food stamps, so i vote yes