The amount of people who abuse the system , is unbelievable. There is no reason for a person to be on food stamps or government assistance for years - or even longer than 6 months . Unless they are disable and unable to work . If a citizen is able to work , they should work! People continue to have children , and have found they can live off the government due to the money they receive , so they do not work ! Yet , middle class single mothers and fathers making 30k a year , do not qualify for anything! The policies and qualifications need to be reviewed and redone . We can’t make America Great again , if these folks don’t stop abusing our tax money!
So what your saying isn’t a bad idea, however, I think that maybe instead of limiting people only for 6 months they should like reapply. Back when I was pregnant, I was living in a horrible condition and the amount of money I was making was essentially nothing. I was lucky to get food stamps, and I truly needed it at that time. I am no longer on food stamps or even Medicaid because I used it as a boost to get myself out of the gutter. My husband has a aunt that is totally abled but refuses to work so she is on unemployment, Medicaid, food stamps, etc. I think that they should change certain rules about eligibility and every 6 months of a person having it, evaluate them so they can see if they are people like me who needed it or people like my husband’s aunt who just free ride it. The gray area on this matter is that the federal government doesn’t have control of these issues. Federal gives the states money and tells them they have to have food stamps, but after that it’s up to the states. In the end I do agree 100% with you. it’s unfair that lazy people get to live off the government when working hard people struggle.