Sell BLM controlled lands to Americans citizens

Unlock and sell off all but 10% of existing 245 million acres of surface land and 700 million acres of subsurface mineral estate under BLM land holdings to individual American Citizens


Sell off? Did the government buy the land for reasonable prices or eminent domain majority of it? The government should not make profit off the land so who determines what Americans can buy the land? Is it highest bidder in an auction? Well that leaves out 90% of Americans. There could be a lottery for Americans of all levels to have a chance at the land. How do we keep corporate from just swooping in and buying it up?


Bare minimum it should be given to the states.

This is ripe for the DoGE. Eliminate most of the BLM in the process if not all of it.

If the land should be preserved for natural habitats then the States can deal with that. It isn’t a Federal matter.

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They never released it to the states in the first place from the time of westward expansion. The feds acquired the territory and then made it into states but in the process the Feds KEPT the ownership of that land.

Look at the federal land:

Some of that is national parks, some of it is indian reservations, some of it is military bases… but most of it is BLM land.

I would say something like “100%” of the BLM land should be given… free to the States. Then the states can decide what to do with it. Some will sell it off and some will turn it into basically state BLM land. The Feds shouldn’t have it.

Yes, we set a budget of $35 Trillion, proceeds exclusively retire national debt. We put easements on the land deeds to control usage. Only American citizens can own and control. Some can remain parks, eg Elon Musk National Park.