School systems

If the DOE is dismantled, there still needs to be some kind of oversight for education. We have Governors, like MD’s, who are pushing an extreme amount of DEI, ‘woke’ agenda’s , and many other topics, that parents are not in agreement with. This is happening because our state is such a ‘blue’ state, due to the counties closest to DC.

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The Federal Government only has control over powers delegated to it by the US Constitution and education is not one of them. States have jurisdiction/oversight over education and health for that matter and the Federal Government should stay out of it. If the residents of MD don’t like the DEI promoted by their governor they should vote to replace him.


Thank you for a little more insight! I totally agree, with voting him out!

I should think some oversight is basic. According to DOE website most of the funding is for scholarship and during all kids get an education… It became a dept in the 80s after dropping out from health and human services

As it is we are 50 different. Parents research for the best education and where to move.

I cringe to think what happens in the poorest parts of our nation and imagine it could be worse.

These Civic Lessons we are developing here and on line elsewhere, give us a Truly Great Opportunity for All.

We have this chance to flesh out how we feel about our Lives and Spirits, and our A.I. counterparts. How our government supports Life rather than deny it.

In appreciation, I choose to have my voice heard beyond my own vote being courageous and engaged.

The problem we have is, beyond the DoE control over what student are taught is that massive amounts of money is what actually dictates the terms of our education system. State and federal funding is tied to what a school can and can not do, what and how it teaches and how social programming shapes the minds of children. No one school district is entirely independent. What we need is localized control over our education system at the community level. That can’t be done while there is dependency on state and federal funding.