KEEP the department of education.
Students around the country depend on federal student loans like FAFSA to afford post-high school schooling and abolishing the department of education would take that away.
The department also helps kids with learning disabilities/special needs, and abolishing it would drastically hurt these kids.
Yes, the school system needs some reform, but this is not the way to do it.
Please, please, PLEASE raise awareness about these very serious needs, before it is too late.
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Disagree. The feds caused the higher education cost. Trying to ask them to fix what they broke is why we are at this juncture.
Giving it back to the states will not mean leaving behind the special needs students. That is a poor argument for trying to keep a centralized government in power.
Totally disagree.
Go look at college tuition costs since 1979. It skyrockets.
The student loan program CAUSED inflated college costs.
The Department of Education was created to give Teacher’s Unions power and positions in management. It literally took departments ‘ programs from other Federal Departments and moved them there, then added a whole new additional upper management layer so that the Union’s friends could hold positions of power as unelected bureaucrats.
Move the departments back where they came from, eliminate the student loan program (and watch tuition plummet), and close the DoEd.
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