Say no to the system!

Education reform is an urgent matter within this country. The first step to this well-needed change is for us to stop referring to education as a system like it is some assembly line that we put our children through to turn them into obedient laborers. The second step in this change is to ask the children of our country this very simple question what do they want to learn? Why should we allow anybody other than our children what they should be learning? If you ask any child right now what they want to learn, I guarantee you they will have something to tell you. This is one simple question that has never been asked. We live in this country created on the values of freedom and ambition. Shouldn’t we allow our children to carry on these same rights and freedoms? We need to express the possibilities of hands-on learning opportunities for our children implemented throughout all schools within the US, bringing our children to experience nature, life, and culture firsthand instead of sitting behind a desk. These very ideas will propose a process of education that puts the child first allowing new generations filled with free thinkers and leaders.

Here me out.
Homework is a kind of directed study. This is true but does it work or does it cause uneseccary stress?
Are there other options than homework. Some studies say no homework does not effect grades, other studies say kids are more likely to succeed with homework?

These two options are thrown around like a tennis racket. Let’s call the today’s homework directed study, tomorrows homework guided study.

the similarities between the two; What these to study options provide is standardized grading systems within the status quo of today.
(knowing terminalogies, complex areas of knowledge for state testing)
-So what is; different. The difference between these two standards is the fact guided study provides chronological flow of the text in which they are studying; reducing stress and time taken to search radomly through the text book.
The other difference to point out is that it soely relies on the student to write chapter reports and find interest through out the chapter indendent of standard questioning for adittional credit but not extra credit, up 20% of the grade of the homework. The 20% grade is grading for both creative writing and adittional knowledge not outlined to cover in the Chapter Report.