Education System Reform

There needs to be a serious overhaul of the education system.

Not only have generations been deprived of valuable knowledge that would actually aid them in their adult lives, But the standardized manner in which children are “educated” is more or less an indoctrination system. To obey authority and not question the status quo. The education system is set up much like the prison system.

I suggest we REMOVE all forms of standardized testing, as well as provide basic survival skills to all humans within the education system. Such as gardening, basic construction, car maintenance (with hands on training), Drivers education should be brought back in, Filing Taxes, Actual government and legal systems, language, rules, etc.

We dont need 12 years of English. Most people never use Trigonometry.

Simultaneously, most children dont all learn the same way. There needs to be more kinetic education and less sit still/rote memorization.

Our teachers need to have more than a random bachelors degree, They should have relevant experience and knowledge about what they are teaching. Trade school programs should be more widely available in high school curriculum, And The teachers union should be abolished so that when teachers harm students they can be fired and not just transferred to harm more children in other locations.

We need to encourage critical thought, independent thought, alternative methodologies, Creativity, exploration and REAL education.

We could take some amazing ideas from 0ther country’s education system where children clean their own classrooms, Where children learn responsible gun ownership, care etc.

The food fed to our children should be grown by the children, Sustainable and involved so that the children learn in depth about health, farm to table type self reliance, confidence in real world skills and overall health.

Vaccinations should not be required in any form for any reason anywhere but particularly in the education system.

Comprehensive sexual education should be taught to higher grade high school students and junior high students- not the basic abstinence speeches and generic health classes. They should have in depth knowledge on all STDS, all methods of birth control, It should include the science of body dysmorphia that ALL children of that age struggle with and mental health. Most people get their sex education through pornography and movies and tv, and there is a flippancy regarding sexuality in these times and I think knowledge is power and if they are better informed and have all the information they will be better equipped to make intelligent decisions.

Such as, they should understand the procedures, methods, and possible outcomes of abortions. They should not be told to get them or not to get them. They should only be provided all the information and they themselves as well as their families should figure out what is right for them.

We need to teach emotional intelligence! So many people cannot regulate their emotions, cannot understand their emotions, and are so far removed from empathy. However, if emotional intelligence and methods for dealing with big emotions was ingrained in our children from the beginning, I think we would find behavioral issues, disrespect and violence go down considerably.

Our American human education system should include everything we need to become self sufficient, independent thinking, responsible, kind and courteous contributing members of society. If that was the case It hink we would find many of the issues and severe problems we face in this country every day, week and year would diminish considerably.

We need to dismantle and rebuild from the ground up the entirety of the educational system. We need to promote high information voters. We need to promote societal contribution, responsible procreation, healthy lifestyles, the intelligence and creativity to accel and move forward into the future and above all else we need to once again be a pillar of humanity on the world stage.


Teachers first and foremost should love their neighbors children and want them to advance. Change the Instructor system

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In response to you saying, “they should understand the procedures, methods, and possible outcomes of abortions.”

I included a detailed stipulation in my comprehensive proposal that would provide that.

Pass a law that in order to get federal funding, high schools must make a graduation requirement and colleges make an admission requirement students must first pass an awareness class, taught by a non-school, non-teacher union, non-ideological, independent contractor, using a transparent curriculum available to the public online, regarding:

-what abortion procedures are really like

-fetal & child development

-all the resources available to low income moms

-basic parenting skills & perspectives from moms about what motherhood is really like and its challenges and rewards

-primary attachment theory

-physical/psychological risks & experiences of pregnancy and abortion

-the causes & harmful effects of toxic stress against pregnant moms and our babies

-the harms of absent fatherhood

-awareness about all forms of abuse, including narcissistic abuse, economic abuse and coercive control

-awareness about all forms of, and the harms of, exploitation of women’s bodies, all forms of sexual coercion, pregnancy coercion, abortion coercion and our “player culture”

-biological sex differences between men and women

-adoption awareness, especially for children with Down Syndrome

-perspectives and experiences from children and parents about the causes, challenges, rewards and parenting/child-care strategies for various disabilities and learning disorders, especially for Down Syndrome, Autism & ADHD

Would you please consider my proposal? It’s a well-informed, comprehensive, widely-appealing federal exception law that will address the top concerns about abortion and pro-life laws, END the polarization/misinformation and forever take away the Democrats’ top wedge issue:

RIGHT TO MATERNAL/FETAL HEALTHCARE & EDUCATION to stabilize the abortion issue

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I think aptitude tests to push children or students in the educational direction they are interested in would help future adults be more productive and lead happier lives.

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Honestly thats a great idea.

It is important to investigate the online virtual tutoring companies as well. I’ve worked for several of them and each is worse than the last. In my opinion, they are greed based and not interested in what is for the highest and best good of the students. They pay their teachers poorly and have them on contract so they get no benefits, time off, and lose pay when holidays and summer arrive. Yes, many teachers today are young, inexperienced and lack the love of teaching that true teachers possess. i would collapse most of the virtual schools if I were given that option in a position of revamping the education system.

I should add that there are actually good virtual schools that are beneficial to the students and teachers. I have had those experiences also. In my opinion, the entire education system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up with the guidance of seasoned educators who truly love teaching.

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