All US CITIZENS must show Government issued ID to vote on election day in every state in the union. They must be on paper ballots only. Get rid of those machines. To easy to cheat. End Mail in ballots it was a covid thing. The only citizens using mail in ballots should be the armed services or the disabled. Lastly, all votes must be counted the same day. Use the state of Florida as a model for this. It works perfectly.
I’m from TX and we have what I consider BOTH electronic and paper voting. We vote electronically at the machine, once complete, a paper ballot is printed for my review. If no concerns, I take my paper ballot to a 2nd machine and feed it into the slot for safe keeping and available for recount if needed. I’m in favor of this method for ease of use, speed in which the vote is captured and availability for a paper recount if called upon.
I would like to see Election Day a National Holiday, it’s exciting to watch it all play out by state as the votes come in during early voting and Election Day. It’s just like Super Bowl and my family is all in!!
I wouldn’t suggest any change to the ability to vote early. Life happens, we are all busy with the day to day and to force everyone into ONLY 1-day of voting, in my opinion would reduce the turnout and that’s not the goal.
I agree ALL must present a valid Government Issued ID to vote in person.
There are many states that allow some to join a permanent absentee/mail in ballot list which shouldn’t be. I would suggest if permanently disabled one should have to renew your request every year/two year’s to exclude anyone that may have passed away. According to this link “any” voter can join the permanent absentee/mail in ballot list, I suggest this be removed permanently.
Table 3: States With Permanent Absentee Voting Lists (
Stronger restrictions are needed around all mail-in ballots, where the completed ballots are sent, if transferred elsewhere then how they’re delivered for counting etc.
Stronger penalties for interfering with any US election.
That’s a great idea, election day should be a national holiday