Voters are asked to show photo ID, but those without it can still cast a provisional ballot, which will be counted after further verification. This model seeks a balance between access and security.
I would like to add that along with voter ID, we need to return to paper ballots, one day of voting and counting completed the day that we vote.
Votes should not be counted until voting is closed in all districts.
Elections shall be fully auditable.
Elections shall be on paper ballots only.
Government issued ID required to vote.
Government issued ID is free.
Same day registration will be allowed only with 2 forms of ID, proof of citizenship, and proof of residence.
If any district has votes in excess of the number of registered voters, all ballots shall be individually verified by representatives of all candidates on that ballot before it will be counted.
Mail in ballots shall be restricted to members of the military and citizens with verified disability or upon special request due to verified inability to be in their specified district; must be requested at least 90 days prior to the election.
Make Election Day a National Holiday - that way there will be fewer excuses for not voting on the day.
Repeal the motor voter act with this.
Vote registration should have an expiration date so it’s easier to keep the rolls clean.
I wouldn’t mind a three-day voting period, but employers would have to give all employees one of those days to vote (with proof - not just a holiday). Given the population and our 24/7 culture, I don’t think it’s realistic to have one election day holiday for all workers.
- I agree on verified citizen voter ID
- No counting until all polls are closed
- Ban exit polls & media predictions until the close of all voting
- Paper ballots only
- An absentee ballot to be recorded as delivered & opened on one of those three days - no late ballots (exceptions for natural disasters)
Agree with most of this but have some tweaks.
Electronic voting ok but must produce a paper ballot as well. The paper ballot is the audited vote. Electronic vote only used for quick vote count on the day.
Government ID’s scary and problematic. In Australia (where I am from) to register to vote you must have 100 points of ID, exaclty what is required to open a bank account. Passport, DL, Birth certificate or proof of residence make up points (2 of 4 is required). Every registered voter is sent a letter to their address a few weeks prior to voting date. This or other photo ID is required on day of vote.
Make voting day Saturday (as in Australia). or Sunday. Better for working people.
Mail in ballots up to 2 weeks before voting. Things come up at work on short notice sometimes, you do not want to disenfranchise workers.
No. Blockchain is the only foolproof solution
Not a fan of same day registration. Too easy to exploit. But registration should require 2 forms of ID.
Fully auditable, great! Paper ballots, sounds good. Check into Mark Finchem’s (Arizona) ideas for specific paper that would be much harder to duplicate.
What type of further verification would be sufficient to prevent voter fraud?
There’s nothing wrong with early voting as long as you follow the rules with photo ID and paper ballots. But I think a week should be enough time. Early voting takes a huge load off not only the voters but also the poll staff. We just need to make sure it’s secure.
As much as I believe people should have to provide ID to vote, especially now with mail in ballots that we know are being filled out and signed illegally that will never be verified or caught, this would infringe on states rights.
What State’s rights? We have to show ID to get in Sam’s, clubs/bars, schools and so many more.
1 day voting
State issued photo ID REQUIRED
NO MAIL IN (only exception military and infirm)
Paper only.
No Early vote counting.
Must be registered to vote a mimimum of 60 days in advance.
All votes hand counted on same day, including approved mail in.
So many non-citizens have drivers licenses that it’s hard to enforce. Maybe there should be different licenses for citizens and non-citizens.
We have ID’s for everything else, elections should be no different.
Photo IDs/drivers licenses are being issued to non-citizens. No sale on this bill until that is corrected.
You really should EDIT this so it gives your Idea some clarity, it sounds Vague and Arbitrary, like shooting in the dark at a Black Target…
Every ballot could include the District ID (doesn’t in ANY way provide individual voter information, but from which District they live), so that they are then counted by polling place. As such, it would not be onerous for several “election integrity” officials to count totals at each location. PAPER ONLY! If the number of ballots exceeds number from that SPECIFIC voting location, then there is clear fraud.
This solution doesn’t address EVERY issue but it would certainly shut-down some of the most egregious acts of fraud.