Safe Water/ Safe Food Initiative: Eliminate Bottle Confusion and the spread of communicable diseases. Minimize Food Waste

Dear Senator Kennedy, it is with great pleasure that I personally must congratulate you on your endorsement of President Trump. I believe in your stance on “Making America Safe Again," and I believe that we can be of great assistance in helping you do so. I have been very privileged to be associated with a brand that has a unique identifier for which it’s “All Scratch Technology” has been proven to eliminate bottle confusion, minimize food waste and limit the spread of communicable diseases. The " All Scratch Technology” is a patented technology bearing six mechanical patents and I can say with confidence that no one else has this in the entire world.

Mr. Kennedy, this is needed in our schools, hospitals, health care facilities, senior centers, board rooms and ball rooms to name a few, around the country and especially on our military bases and installations throughout the Department of Defense. We would like to champion this with you and have immediate impact among American families and their children. We have an extensive market research report to justify the need for the implementation of such a technology. In fact, our products bearing “All Scratch” already exists in the marketplace, but not to the level or extent it should be, due to blockades from brands that are directly affected by our existence.

A lot of these other brands have been endorsed by the FDA even though their products are knowingly killing people and causing chronic diseases and disorders. I am hereby requesting a follow up discussion to detail the true impact this will have when implemented from a Federal level. I would highly appreciate a follow up meeting with your team to discuss implementation and provide further information on our patents and reports regarding “All Scratch.” Please take into consideration the millions of lives we can impact and inevitably keep safe by simply allowing consumers to identify and personalize their food, medications, and beverages.

Best Regards,
Noel Rose
Managing Partner
Royalty Elite LLC.
954-600-2636 (cell).

Plus Brand Industries


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