Revoke Income Tax: replace with tariffs and national sales tax

I am for ending the entire Federal tax system and replacing it with either a national Fair tax, or a national Flat tax for final use products.
Flat Tax - If the tax is found to be 20% (need Constitutional amendment so it is extremely hard to incrementally change it), the person who buys a new Jeep Wrangler for $40,000 pays $8000, total $48,000. Remember you are keeping all of the other Federal taxes you currently pay. The person who buys a new Bugatti Veyron for $1,700,000 pays $340,000 in taxes, total $2,040,000. There are safeguards to prevent the poor from paying the tax. I read an article a long time about “value-added” (hidden) taxes. Do you know if you buy a dozen eggs, you are paying at least 59 value-added taxes. The farmer who grows the corn that is fed to the chickens that lay the eggs pays property taxes, maintenance costs on the equipment, fertilizer costs, employees wages and insurance, insurance, etc. and all of that is folded into the cost of his crop. The same thing for the company that buys the corn and makes the feed, the company that raises the chickens and produces the eggs, the store where you buy it, and the trucking companies that move it all from point A to B to C to D, etc.

The Fair tax is a little different, maybe it is 15% for items under $50,000, 19% for items between $50.001 and #250,000, and %25 over $250,000. (need Constitutional amendment here also)

There are 3 key points, 1) it does not matter HOW you make your money, legally, or illegally, money is worthless if you don’t spend it (up for debate but might have an exemption for approved donations.), 2) there are no “loopholes” that the wealthy can exploit. and 3) You can get rid of MOST of the IRS, all they need is a sales tax division, which they already have.

As for State taxes, find a state with the tax you approve of and move there. That is the reason we have states.