Revamp tax structure - implement flat tax

Let people take home all the money they earn; implement a flat tax on products - everything. The more you buy the more taxes you pay. It’s YOUR choice though to spend or not to spend. It also makes bad money good. So. Drug dealers illegally earning bank don’t currently pay income taxes, but also reaps the benefit of only sales tax. Those on welfare or in need of support could have their taxes waved on necessities (food clothing learning support). The government will end up with more money, people wouldn’t have to file income statements so the entire IRS could be eliminated which would also provide savings to the government. At the end, it gives people the choices they want to buy what they want, where they want, etc. and there would be no more question if this person is paying higher taxes. Clearly if I buy socks from the dollar tree my taxes would be very low, accordingly; if I buy from socks from Oscar De La Renta my taxes would be much higher (BTW, I have no clue if Oclscar De La Renta sells socks). I would bet those making the largest amounts of money are not buying socks at the dollar tree (they are good little socks though TBH).

Economy #Flattax #Simplicity