Revoke every judge appointed by biden

All one has to do is watch the confirmation of all of the Biden judicial appointees to see that he put a bunch of activists on benches around the country, not judges. These judges demonstrated that they do not respect or adhere to the Constitution. They were appointed by a president who doesn’t respect or adhere to the Constitution. As long as they sit on the bench, they are a clear and present threat to the Constitutionally protected rights of anyone who appears in their court. I include Ketanji Brown Jackson who famously said “The 1st amendment is hamstringing the government”. She clearly sees the Constitution as an obstacle and is therefore unfit for the highest court in the land.

I think I speak for most Americans when I say constantly having a looming threat over our Constitutional freedoms can no longer stand.

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I believe the best and easiest way to accomplish this would be to have the 2020 election declared fraudulent and Biden declared an Usurper. Doing this should automatically render all of Biden’s official acts null and void, including all of his judicial appointments. Of course, the ramifications would go much further than this, and whatever action is taken (would likely have to be some sort of Act of Congress) to achieve this would need to include provisions on how to handle some potential problems. For example, it would need to be clarified that 2021-2024 would count as “time stolen” from Trump, and therefore NOT counting against the 10 year rule. Also, Trump should be given 10 days to make his own “sign or veto” decisions on all bills Biden had signed. As for your original point, there is one particular provision of this suggestion I believe would interest you: it should specify that it does NOT nullify any resignations (meaning that Biden-appointed judges do NOT get their old jobs back).

However it is achieved, this would only remove 1 justice from the Supreme Court (Ketanji). However, I believe a case can be made for 2 more removals, and it is related to declaring Biden an Usurper. Recall that the Supreme Court refused to hear Texas v Pennsylvania in December 2020. It was later revealed that Roberts was harassing, shouting at, and cussing at the other Republican appointed judges to get them not to take the case. This is NOT the behavior of a judge who only wants to not take a case because he believes it has no merit. Surely, Roberts knew or reasonably should have known that the 2020 election results were fraudulent, and yet he pushed hard to not take a case that could have overturned the fraudulent result. Then, on January 20, 2021, he personally swore Biden in. I believe this conduct rises to the level of Treason, which is grounds for Impeachment.

Also present at the infamous meeting with Roberts exhibiting bad behavior was Sotomayor. Sotomayor thus clearly observed Roberts’ behavior and should be reasonably expected to understand it was not normal for a judge who only wants to not take a case because he believes it has no merit. Why do I mention Sotomayor specifically, and not Breyer or Kagan? Because on January 20, 2021, it was Sotomayor to swear in Kamala, meaning that she also is vulnerable to an Article of Impeachment (specifically one classified as Treason) for willfully (she knew or reasonably should have known) swearing in an Usurper.

Wow I hadn’t thought of it that way. It would be great if we could undo every action this lawless administration took. God only know the things they did that we don’t even know about yet.

There sure are a lot of things they have done that most people are not yet aware of (e.g., the Vehicle Kill Switch Mandate that they hid in the 2021 Infrastructure bill, scheduled to take effect with Model Year 2026 as things currently stand).

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