Impeach overreaching federal judge!

For one example Judge Paul A. Engelmayer in Manhattan federal court is currently interfering in federal government operations for political reasons outside the scope of his powers. There are more and more activist judges who are using their positions to interfere in governmental operations outside of their scope of powers.

:fire:Removal of U.S. Federal Judge :fire:

  1. Impeachment by Congress :classical_building::
  • House of Representatives: Votes to impeach with just a simple majority if there’s evidence of “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”.
  • Senate: Conducts a trial where a two-thirds majority is needed for conviction and removal. It’s a big deal!
  1. Judicial Conduct and Disability Act :scroll::
  • This act lets you file a complaint if a judge is misbehaving or can’t perform their duties. But remember:
    • It doesn’t directly remove judges; it might lead to censure or retirement.
    • Only Congress can truly remove a judge through impeachment, not this act alone.

Remember, it’s not easy to remove a judge, and it’s all about checks and balances in our government system!

#JusticeSystem #FederalJudges #USGovernment #LawAndOrder


This judge is clearly in the pockets of Clintons


Good policy proposal! Now we see why the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens were obsessed with packing our states attorneys generals and judicial court system with libtard unAmerican judges and lawyers over the past decades – to serve as a political blocking mechanism for future executive branch (compromised department and agency) reforms.

Every one of these installed libtard judges who attempt to block current transparency attempts to locate fraud and corruption need to be placed under a fiscal microscope for past payoffs and soft money contributions. They need to be impeached, one-by-one, until the necessary investigatory lanes and cost cutting measures are completed. Only the corrupt or the criminally insane would work so frantically to hide such ungodly corruption while standing in full view, and in direct opposition to the Will of the American People.

These criminals are unbelievably trying to sell “public data privacy concerns” to the American People as the reason for their desire to stop these necessary audits; however, the real “privacy concerns” they have are for THEMSELVES to not be exposed – it has nothing to do with the privacy of the American People’s data. It has EVERYTHING to do with their desire to continue hiding the corruption evidence until they can get someone in there to wipe the evidence (like they did with the electronic voting machines). They are simply trying to confuse the public into supporting their calls to stop all investigation into fiscal criminality, thus buying them the time to figure out how to cover up the evidence. It has come down to the wire ~ there is no turning back ~ it is all or none.

That being said, in this critical 9th inning and final hour, we must DEFY ALL JUDICIAL ORDERS ATTEMPTING TO TIE THE HANDS OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH IN THE AUDITING OF ITS OWN AGENCIES, DEPARTMENTS, AND SYSTEMS. The separation of powers should be thorougly applied in this case. Damn those activist judges. Keep the investigations going and do not delete ANYTHING, per a judge’s destructive orders. Defy them at every turn, using Executive Branch privledge of complete military support under orders of Commander in Chief, if need be. These activist judges are merely blocking agents meant to stop the investigations/audits – nothing more. We can deal with the defying of activist judges orders AFTER we secure the evidence for taking down the entire Deep State (which is orders of magnitude more important than the wishes of some podunk strategically-placed activist judge or state AG). In the middle of a battle, generals don’t stop an active offensive for fear of breaching some prior agreement, especially when stopping that positive momentum may cost them the entire war. This only common sense.

The Deep State needs to be crushed completely at this time, thus buying the American People ample generations of peace and prosperity. It took a long time to reach this degree of public rot – many decades. And once crushed, it will take an equal number of decades for these disgusting democrat-installed traitors to repeat such a collective and disgusting betrayal of America. :us:

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