My proposal for a policy is to tariff US companies who outsource work overseas, contract overseas, or hire employees from overseas and bring them to the US. The US needs to rebuild it’s labor infrastructure and build its own talents. Companies need to hire US citisens and create oportunities.
AI and automation is slowly taking over the US labor market. This will create industries not meant for mass human oportunities. Purpose for people is a great deal in order to have exciting and innovative future developments. We need to build a future around humans. My policy proposal also includes the excessive use of AI and automation to replace human labor. Therefore, tariff companies that use excessive AI and automation.
With the use of this policy proposal, humans can have a human future and maintain enthusiasm and optimism in the future. People can work in industries where they can be proud of their work and have an impact in the world.
Hope so. Right now it seems we will ‘live in the pods, eat the bugs, own nothing and be happy’.
Paul we are at a crossroads of opportunity. The green revolution COULD provide millions of human jobs in alternative energy production, agriculture and replenishing our depleted forests.
I disagree. Drill baby drill. We can build new and improved nuclear plants, Graphine technology, and new energy methods once the country is at it’s optimal economic level. Mother Earth will reclaim her territory regardless. Planting trees is a good idea, however. Green technology and electronics are not dependable what-so-ever in relation to cold conditions and effects on time.
Drill baby drill probably will not help much. We don’t use 65% o the oil we produce +/- 8m barres/day. Fracking produces a very light (clean) crude. We have not built a new refinery in 25 yrs. Our refineries cannot process lighter crude so we sell the good oil and buy back dirtier oil from other countries. This actually benefits other countries more than us. What would happen to the price of oil IF we stop buying???
Japan and other countries like Saudi Arabia said they would buy US oil.
You are missing the point. We use more oil than any country (18m bpd). We also currently produce more oil than any country (12-14m bpd). If we drill more we are only going to sell it because we can’t refine it then we MUST replace it from other countries such as OPEC who control the price. Explain to me how this equates to energy independence, So we sell 8m bpd to Japan and then buy 8m bpd from Mexico to replace it. This makes us largely responsible for much o the demand world wide. Our sweet crude costs less to harvest, is far cleaner, and is the last expensive to make into gasoline. If we are going to produce this oil then imo we need to use it. The whole system seems counterproductive to me and only benefits big oil, They have refused to invest their considerable profits into modern, efficient facilities for many years and are in a rush to deplete whatever reserves we may have. It is not a matter of if we run out of oil but a matter f when. Our kids and grandkids will need oil for many things beyond gas. Practically everything in the world is made from oil.
Aparently Trump or states just approved the creation of multiple nuclear plants. I think this is a good start. Less reliance on oil for energy is a positive direction. We need to rebuild the keystone pipeline and increase oil production and sales to rebuild our energy or economic infrastructure. Oil is a natural lubricant from tectonic plates. It is a process of high pressures, coal, heat, and a variety of other chemical changes and tectonic activities. It naturally replenishes over time as plates move. There are also a variety of alternate energy methods that can be used. Wave technology (boiancy and wave-to-shor pressure/pounding technologies), solar technology with better ouput panels, wind technology (not very reliable). Wind technology has yet to be harvested in major cities with high wind vacuumes. There is graphine technology that has yet to be used. There is also kinetic energy which can also be harvested from roads and sidewalks. There is ethonol that can be made from corn. Bio-mass energy or energy havested from bacteria. There is hydro power from dams (which need to be updated). There is hydrogen power on a large scale that has yet to be used. There is carbon harvesting technology that has yet to be used. There is magnetic propultion that has yet to be used. There is low frequency vibration technology from the Earth that has yet to be used (also stated by Nicola Tesla). There is geothermal energy that can be used. There is collecting ionized plasma from the atmosphere that still has yet to be used. There is the collection of photons from orbit into batteries that supposedly can be a thing. There is also the use of particle energy technology that supposedly can be collected for enormous power output. There is still a lot to innovate, its a matter of cost, time, and output. I think the US needs more scientists, engineers, and funding to put towards these innovations. Otherwise, low waste nuclear power plants would be the next best thing. Perhaps a combination of these technologies can make the US self suficient. Perhaps if citisens collect energy from soalr and feed it back into the power grid, they can not only get paid or have a return power credit but also allow for energy to be recycled into the powergrid making urban energy systems more sustaining and reusable.