Return America back to a Contitutional Republic

We the people of America deserve the benefits of our labor. We need to dissolve the United States Inc and go back to common law as stated in the Constitution. The Constitution does not serve “citizens” but living man and woman. Presently Government is a foreign Corporation. To protect the Constitutional Republic we need to be recognized by our Constitution. We are not lost at sea. All credits need to be returned to all Americans. The treasury Department holds credits in our names in all caps. These credits need to come back to us.


And let’s end Traffic court corruption as well.

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These proposals go right along with this one! Enforcement of the Constitution is an existential issue for us as US Citizens.

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Mortgage fraud and bankers fraud needs to end. The truth is banks dont have actual money, they get it when your autograph is placed on a document requiring payment. Then the said loaning facillity submits the check you autographed to aquire your money from your trust in the treasury dept.
The Federal reserve then has new dollars(debt notes) sent to the loaning institution. The institution then lends digital money, YOUR trust money to you with interest. This process has been fraudulently used to enrich banks and lending institutions for years.

Banks don’t lend money, they get it from our labor. Everyone benefits from our labor but us. Its criminal under the constitution. Are we a true Republic when we allow this activity?

Yes! This! Fiat currency is the end of valued labor.

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