End Municipal "Traffic" Court Corruption

We the People are harassed daily by corporations disguising themselves as municipal courts, a.k.a. “traffic courts.”
Chances are you’ve been there, and I’ve been there. Yet did you know “traffic courts” are wholly unconstitutional in every respect?

“Traffic court” judges routinely place DOT (dept of transportation) regulations above the Constitution, even though the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land; it supersedes any corporate regulation or code.
On top of that, DOT regulations apply ONLY to commercial drivers, people who earn money by driving.

Most of us are using the roads and highways in a private capacity: going to market, work, or to meet up with friends at a local coffeshop, etc. We are travelling privately; we are NOT earning money by driving, therefore we are NOT commercial drivers.

Yet the inferior courts are treating us as commercial drivers, and most of us have agreed up until now because we were unaware of the deception. In other words they are committing fraud with the intention to defraud the Republic (which is We The People) of millions of dollars per quarter.

The money being extorted from We the People in these unconstitutional courts is going straight into the pockets of the fraudsters (judges, prosecutors, clerks, bailiffs, and others) who are “working” against The People.

Licenses are for commercial activity. What We the People require is some form of legitimate “private traveler” card, so that when a corporate policy enforcer (traffic police) demands an identification card, we provide our private traveler card, which would have to be given to us by the Republic.

This would show them that we are protected by the Constitution and if they chose to treat us as commercial drivers despite this, their actions would be unconstitutional and they could be treated as such in a higher court (state or federal).

Judges, prosecutors, clerks and bailiffs involved in the inferior courts’ fraud, deception and treason against the Republic need to be held accountable for their unconstitutional actions.

We the People are being drained of millions of our hard-earned cash due to these corrupt BAR (British Accredited Registry) members. Isn’t it way past time to end the charade?!

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