Retirement Age Return

We need to bring back the Retirement age to 55 years old. Seeing our elderly work 2/3 jobs into their 80s is heartbreaking. We deserve to enjoy life with full Retirement benefits. We deserve to enjoy our families our grandchildren help with our aging parent’s. Life was meant to be so much more then WORK. Let us enjoy our elder years not work until we DIE!!! We have worked for years for Corporate America stealing our souls for a dollar. Let the Retirement years be on memories and joy not exhausting and tiresome.


Lowering the age of retirement and collecting social security to 55 would mean that money would run out 10 years earlier…so they would be out working in their 70s as well as 80s.

Let’s focus on the root of the problem - no money to live comfortably in elderly years.

A 401k/IRA/etc is a long term growth investment.
Social security is taxpayer funded income.
Is there another way to supplement income? Come up with a creative idea, and you might change the world and get your wish.


How does reducing the retirement age to 55 solve your stated problem of elderly people working in their 80s?

I like the sentiment, but the math doesn’t work. I’m only in my 30s, and I know I’ll be working for a lot longer.

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It would certainly be nice if our productivity, technology and society would be at a level where all the goods and services we need could be produced by an average of 33 years of work instead of 43 years of work. If that was so, then an early retirement ought to be possible on average.

However, I wonder if this goal of ending work at a younger age would be as good a goal as doing less work per year but quitting at the current age. Many people suffer from health issues as they get older. So waiting to “enjoy” life ends up missing out on doing things you imagined you would do when you were younger but not realizing that you might not be able to do them when you were older. Can you do all the hiking in national parks at 67 or 55 that you could do at 25?

Maybe a goal of having a more “european” level of vacation like 4-6 weeks per year would be a good first step. Or perhaps instead of five 8 hour days how about four 9 hour days (40 → 36 hours). Could we find a way to boost productivity 11% to keep the same standard of living? Creating another 52 days free (three day weekends) would provide much more opportunities for family time or short mini-vacations. This could be enjoyed across all ages.

If you can find ways to use machines/energy/tech/etc. to get more done per hour we could trade off increased pay for increased time off and there would still be enough products and services created to supply the economy.


We were not meant to work our entire lives away. We are supposed to get to enjoy some of our older years. You shouldn’t work since you were 14 years old and only get $900-$1200 a month to live on that not even feasible. We can give Billions to other countries but we cant take care of our own or our vets??? I have a friend that gets $800 a month disability and told not to work??? How is that even an option and we wonder why our streets are layden with homeless. We are working for Corporate America as they abuse us and feed us carrots to stay alive. The system is broken. The IRS is a scam and rob us every paycheck. We get laid off and have to fight the government for our unemployment checks the system is flawed and NEEDS FIXED!!!


I would like the retirement age to be lower as well. In order to get the most out of what I put in I would have to wait til I’m 70 years of age to get the best benefits or the highest return. I’m 65 now, but I have to wait until I’m 66 an 10 months until I can get what they call “full” benefit and still be able to work. I would like to retire now but just can’t afford to do so. And Medicare is another thing, that need to be reformed big time. As a single I pay $70/mo for HDHP but if I go on Medicare it would be $175/mo and alot of red tape. I’m a healthy individual with taking supplements and Medicare wants us on drugs instead of herbs that will heal. No thank you, but it would be nice to have a choice instead of demand " they will only pay for their drugs and not the supplements" that will truly heal or help ones health. I checked into going on it, but decide to continue to work and get employee benefits. Not sure what the future will look like for me. So can someone on your team please come up with a better plan?


And while your at it fix Medicare. Should be a lot easier to get through that system. When I was young I thought that the money they took from me, from my pay would be given back when I was old. They stole most of it ! I have spent time in old folks homes. What a disgrace to our country. We throwaway our old folks .


to those of you voting this down, what is your major malfunction? you just feel people should be forced to work into old age? this is why people vote democrat because republicans struggle with compassion. Reduce the age of retirement. Implement the 4-day work week. Give people a reason to enjoy life. Otherwise, what’s the point?


Thank you​:pray::pray::pray::pray:

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I am 58 and I’ve been working since I was 16. I am so tired, and feel like I will never be able to retire. Each year our insanely rich and very healthy Leaders move the retirement goal post. I think it needs to be reformed! Also do not believe anyone should pay 175 a month for insurance on social security. That’s absurd.


Totally agree, they say that we were not supposed to be slaves to Corporate America our whole lives. The rich get richer the poor get poorer. If we can give trillions to other countries we can help and support or Veterans and our elderly. Not everyone has extra to save for retirement besides social security. Its sad that we are worked to death paying debt and bills til we die. Its all gotta change, reform.


did a search and found the social security full retirement age was never 55.

in 1980 the full retirement age was 65. life expectancy in 1980 was 73 with a average social security pay of 344. giving 8 years of full benefit if died a 73.

today full benefit age is 67, with life expectancy of 76, giving 9 years of full benefit if died at 76. average social security is 1900.

thinking the cost of living adjustments are not making it.
think the better option is to federally seek a 200 week food allowance, a 200 month electric allowance and a 200 healthcare allowance per month for those over 60 who solely rely on social security. this could adjusted according to where you live.

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The outcome of last weeks election renders this comment laughable.

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I don’t disagree that this issue needs to be addressed right away. The retirement age dilemma has less to do with the set retirement age, and more to do with folks not having the financial ability to quit or reduce their hours until they are able to collect their SSN and other savings. For younger workers, we need to focus on getting them financially stable with little to no debt. This will help them have freedom to leave the workforce earlier if they want to. However, for those at or approaching retirement age who have no savings, reducing the retirement age is not a great strategy because it just shifts the problem to the younger generation again.


And yet, the RFK white hat psyop was needed specifically for this purpose, to coral the sheep who didn’t know that Trump was the annointed one and so were “independents” or “democrats”

I think it should be lowered to 62 so people can enjoy life. The whole social security needs to be revamped, including Medicare. There’s too much corruption. With the lack of retirement benefits from corporations (who can afford it…401k isn’t suited for everyone) many more people are reliant on social security for their entire income rather than a supplement.