It would be good to lower the age of retirement to 62 instead of what it is now so this way but people work long and hard for those many years. So this way they can enjoy life more instead of working to an age that you have maybe five or 10 years left less lower it to 62 plus it would boost the economy more because more people are spending money and finally doing things that make them happy… Thank you for listening
Also it would open more job opportunities as well allow the younger people to get in to the work force to start a career at a younger age,as it is now, the older people that are made to work longer, dose not allow the lower jobs to open up, there would be no job advancement.
That would require more drain on the SS and Medicare programs. Many low income adults can’t retire until SS and Medicare kick in at full rate. It would be better to find ways that current workers can save for early retirement.
May I go a step farther. I think age of retirement needs to wind back to 60. The average person scrapes a slaves there whole life. Most can’t afford vacations other than staying home to work more. Many never get to have a honeymoon after getting married. It’s hand to mouth for a lifetime.
I almost think this should be joined with my proposal for first responders / municipal workers. To gain more traction. I like where this is headed. Pray our plea’s are heard. For there is far more to life. Than Slavery to survive.
People can retire at any age they want. There’s no law that says you have to work until a certain age.
However there are laws that limit the amount of Social Security payments based on the age of the claimant.
People can retire at 62 and start collecting reduced SS benefits, or wait until “full retirement age” of 67 or 70 to maximize benefits.
If you are suggesting that SS payments begin IN FULL at age 62, the entire system (which is broken and likely will go bankrupt by 2035) will fail within a few years.
If you want to retire at 62, save enough money to do so.