Reset Credit Score

Do a reset, our credit scores should reset to at least 700! Let’s make America great again by focusing on this issue, credit scores are extremely low and credit cards, loans have defaulted for many of us! For those that want to buy or rent a home this is a huge issue! We pay more because credit score does not meet criteria. We’ve suffered enough and need someone to make this change for us all, we have been robbed with high interest rates and the past administration.


Credit scores shouldn’t be a thing period. To increase your score you have to have credit history and a BALANCE. It’s criminal. The new slavery is financial slavery. They’re grooming you to get into debt so you can get a good score to GET INTO MORE DEBT.

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Well then let’s do away with credit scores! Something needs to happen , it’s ridiculous how much we are in debt as a nation and how much a credit score affects our daily lives.

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