Replace Food Stamps

Nutrition assistance programs cost $166 billion in 2023. These funds are often spent on unhealthy food items made by mega-corporations. Nutritional assistance recipients are more likely to be obese than non-recipients. Replacing food stamps with direct-to-consumer, American-grown food items would save money, increase health, and put more money in the pocketa of food producers rather than mega-corporations.

Every American would be eligible to receive a certain basket of goods, such as meat, rice, flour, dairy products, and fresh vegetables. Individuals can waive this eligibility or direct their share to a non-profit.


And teach them to cook.

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Could add provisions for the supply of American-made cookware, like a rice cooker or air fryer.

and get jobs.

Should only be able to buy healthy food. No chips, cookies or any other unhealthy food. Need some kind of oversight on who uses these cards. People go to food banks and sell food stamps for 50 cents on the dollar. These people are stealing from tax payers.