Reopen Mental intuitions

We need to reopen mental intuitions to get individuals with mental conditions off the streets and out of our prisons. We have too many homeless people with mental conditions that need to be protected and off the streets. I know its not a popular topic but something needs to be done. When people identify as Cats and wear collars and use litter boxes, society needs help. put these people in a place where they can get the help they need.


How bout we call them Mental Health Centers? Federal Mindful Spa?



Marcos, you are not supposed to expose that in public! Are you trying to drive our private prison industry out of business? :laughing:


I feel that every homeless individual, who has no family or friend support that is deemed mentally ill needs to become custody of his or her state that they live in. Our states need to step up and help these individuals with permanent resources and give them the support they need, because no one else will or maybe people have tried but didn’t work out. Anyone who has any mental illness is not going to ever have a chance in society, if they don’t get any support and on the streets homeless is not the answer. They need food, clothing, medical care,people to care and love them and housing ect… in daily needs just like anyone else in the country needs, that’s not insane. As the states, you need to come together and help these forgotten individuals. They are a danger to themselves at times and can also be a danger to those around them if they don’t get the proper daily care needed. Locking them up in prisions cells, should not be exceptable. They country needs to build more centers, that are specifically for aftercare treatments for all the individuals who leave mental healthcare facilites that have no place to go other than the streets. They can live there as long as need be and better than being on any street homeless. They will still get the care they need. The states also need to build more group homes.


We spend billions and billions every year on the homeless. Institutions will take care of them better. We just need to manage them better than before.


I am indecisive on this topic. I agree those with mental illnesses, not due to street drugs and prescription addictions deserve the help, those who rather party than have shelter need to be imprisoned.


Necessary in CA fires are started daily here by this group. They need to collected and put in a mental hospital and not let out until and if they are made functional. Many have family that threw them out because they don’t care or gave up trying. They should be contacted and made to pay for their upkeep at these facilities. Heck you get caught abandoning a pet you get a fine. But u dump out a relative and go merrily along with your life? No more. If that is your child, mom, dad, or grand parent you need to step it up.


We definitely have insufficient mental health services here and unfortunately have just 5% of the world’s population but a whopping 25% of the world’s prisoners and the only country that hunts down solo practicing physicians and creates a crime to imprison them 80% of federal prisoners are serving time for actions that would not even be a crime in other nations such as nonviolent drug charges Returning to common law would be a step in the right direction but so would providing mental health care services. The other issue is allowing people to live in unsafe conditions It’s very difficult to get Adult Protective Services to intervene when the mentally impaired are stating they “like” how they are living


The constitution does not allow any of us to take authority over another human being because we don’t like what they say or do. However, if one of these homeless people decides to violate others rights, we have the right after a court of law to take away their rights temporarily as punishment. There is nothing wrong with this system. The only reason why you’re coming up with a new system is because we do not enforce our current system being homeless. There is nothing wrong with it obviously which you’re talking about is a drug problem specifically an illegal drug problem or sometimes an alcohol problem. However, starting fires on the street sleeping on city streets loitering defecating peeing being drunk in public are all violations of common sense law. There is no reason why they shouldn’t be sent in a court of law maybe not to jail but to mandatory rehab. We already have the laws on the books we do not require to throw away the constitution in order to solve this problem

Of course, If you’re convicted of a serious crime, we the people have authority to take you to prison.

As to imprisonment for mental issues, the Supremes have insisted that strict standards be met— and they have ruled it is constitutional.

Connor v. Donaldson, 422 U.S. 563 (1975)

Key Issue: Can a person be involuntarily committed to a mental institution solely because they are mentally ill?

Holding: The Supreme Court held that involuntary institutionalization requires evidence of danger to oneself or others, not merely a diagnosis of mental illness.

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THe supreme court is wrong the constitution does not give a right to infringe on others wright because of suspicion that they might infringe on other rights.

So I acknowledge they are all intelligent but tell me how they got to that choice using nothing but the constitutions words. People have freedom of speech and freedom of movement. Until they DO something that infringes on other rights the justice system has no part in compelling them to do anything particularly not people who are mentally unstable accusing them of being dangerous.

However is the situation most druggys have violated statutes that allow them to be detained fined and imprisoned so again you don’t have to break the constitution in order to stop the rampant drug use and abuse of the catatonically addicted populations.

Dealing drugs is attempted murder, it should be punishable by death. That’s perfectly constitutional. That’s how you navigate the “homeless” problem. Unfortunately that punishment should be extended to doctors and psychiatrists. Most “homeless” people are victims of “legal” drug dealing.

So we can agree to disagree about how to read the constitution but 9 people in robes agreeing words are in the constitution that aren’t don’t convince me I’m wrong. It convinces me you don’t understand the constitution or why or how it was constituted.

This is the place to have an opinion, amd it’s easy to disagree.

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This is coming. From what I’ve been reading/researching. After the big mass arrest/deportation’s, all homeless individuals will be taken off the street and put in either a house of their own/treatment for whatever it is that they are dealing with.

Sir, what you may not recognize or be aware of is many people who suffer from untreated mental illnesses “self” medicate with drugs and alcohol which does lead to addiction. The term “party” does not capture the essence of what is happening. Lastly, addiction itself is considered a form of mental illness. The two are hard to separate. Not trying to be critical because I understand this concept is not discussed as broadly as I would like to see it.

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I agree. Had someone I cared about suffering and was a danger to himself and others, but yet he kept getting released from mental hospitals. He is finally on the mend, but he was in so much danger not being held somewhere when his mental illness flared up that no one not even himself could have predicted he would come down with it. There was no where for him. No where that would help him and give him the help he deserved. He has been a well contributing citizen of society and could not control what happened. He lost his job and so much. This country needs to do better in caring for the mentally ill.

We have too many liberals with mental conditions who are wanting to change their sex, (what they are born with) who need psychological and psychiatric help. We NEED mental institutions definitely brought back