Remove Tax Exemption Status for All Churches

Remove Tax exemption status from all churches and start taxing them. The church has been receiving Tax Exemption status for too long. They use their money and influence in the political arena and they have too much money with no taxation. They do not donate or contribute enough to our economy yet benefit from the tax exemption benefits.


Churches do use the money for political gain. They need to be taxed.

Agreed! Look at the Mormon church for example. They are worth $265 BILLION dollars. And their investment portfolio holds things like Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, etc…… Yet they use money that is not taxed to buy these things. Not to mention the 2.3 million acres of land that they own

I think churches should be eligible for the same itemized tax deductions as any corporation but should not have a blanket tax exemption.

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Tax exemption for churches should be removed but for another reason. The tax exemption forces churches to operate as an organization and limits what the church officials can say; it prohibits free speech. However, considering the word church means body of believers, any “church” defined as an organization is really no church at all,

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