Remove Gym Membership Fees

Free Gym Membership for All. How can we make America healthy again when there’s no real option to take control of our health with these insane gym fees?


So who’d pay for it? Tax payers. Most gym members do not attend the facility on a regular basis while paying for it. If gym memberships were free I’d think there’d be more people signed up not attending on the tax payers dollar. Also, there aren’t enough gyms to accommodate the increase in members. Government owned gyms would have to be created and we all know how good the government is at running things…a hard no this one.


I’m going to issue a very strong “no” on taxpayer funded gyms.

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Do you expect people to provide you your gym facility for free? You would make them work for you for nothing? Would you accept that for yourself–do whatever it is you do, but for no pay? The most polite descriptive I can give your proposal is: Unrealistic and Infeasible. If you got your way, gyms would disappear almost overnight because no one will work for free and no business can operate in the red indefinitely.

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Okay thank you for your feedback!

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Thank you for your comment. I believe there’s alot to consider on this. And judging from the other posts Ive seen, other people have also suggested free gyms too not just myself on this platform. Appreciate you being polite in your response although I believe everyone should be polite on here regardless. Thanks again for your feedback.


There could be a pay as you go fee.