Tax write offs for preventative heath improvements

Gym, yoga, CrossFit, Running Clubs, Athletic competitions, sports of all kinds should be personal tax write offs to encourage health and fitness on the national level. The lack of exercise is causing huge problems with our population, increasing demand and costs for Americans in the healthcare system (hospitals, clinics, etc). A more fit population will be a stronger population against sickness and diseases of all kinds. A more fit population will be a more productive workforce. A more fit population will be a more mentally strong and healthy nation. Pre-existing conditions that lead to chronic illness can almost be wiped away if all Americans were given an opportunity to use tax dollars to find a way to get their health and fitness prioritized by the powers that be. An incentive to get away from going to doctors and hospitals to improve health - getting to the gym in an affordable manner. This would also stimulate the economy in an organic way by putting more money in the small businesses that house these fitness opportunities.


The insurance companies need to be forced into giving back too. Many of us continue to pay increasing health insurance fees and rarely see doctors. Just the annual visit to not feel like Iā€™m getting something back on my huge investment to that massive money sinkhole industry. Let the gyms partner with local doctors, and other medical professionals to compete with the insurance oligarchs.