Remove 5G near daycares schools and churches or home

5G towers must not be within 10000 ft from any daycare, school, church or home
Effects of 5g radiation are detrimental to cell health at the mitochondrial level.


Near my child’s school there is a tower. Last year the Gym teacher had a larger tumor removed. As his area of teaching was right near the tower. I think it very unhealthy for the kids. It could be on the other side of the courtyard, but it is right next to the school. Just not healthy.


I believe it’s been done on purpose and we will see more and more types of illness and disease

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Remove it period. Does it really help or harm? They keep putting them up and adding more layers with amplifiers to push and excel this madness. My phone is 5G capable, and I have numerous towers around me. Without wi-fi in house service is useless. Even out and about, no wi-fi- service is shady. Besides that, there are many videos on social media of servicemen opening the 5g box on tower to show COVID19 panels in the box. We need answers and need this gone. I believe you can even get medical disability from 5G tower exposure and effect of same. Not safe to be near any schools, residential homes, nursing homes, hospitals, water towers, church… Not safe.


I agree with this and had posted a similar proposal a few days ago. I think we should ban them period. Do your phones/internet work better/faster after the 5G being installed? Mine work exactly the same as before. The panels on the 5G towers are all labeled with the company name such as Verizon and a 1-800 # to call but some of them are private and you can’t find out who owns them or what they are doing. I thought I was going crazy last year trying to figure out what was causing this constant electric hiss in my ears. Later I see they have installed a new 5G tower across the street. This hiss goes away when I am out in a rural area that doesn’t have any towers. There is so much evidence and research from decades ago proving this is a weapon and is harmful to all biological life.