Ban 5G Cell Towers In Residential Neighborhoods

These cell towers have popped up all over my neighborhood in the past few years. How did this happen?

There are multiple studies that show these towers are “probably carcinogenic for humans” and can cause headaches, memory problems, dizziness, depression, sleep problems, etc.

I would much rather use a “land line” in my home to avoid cell phone radiation but now I don’t have the choice. The radiation is here no matter what choices I make in my home.


This should be expanded to ALL cell towers. They ALL KILL.


Agree. Cells need to be kept at least 1/4 mile from residential areas. Smart meters need to be rolled back as well. They transmit a harmful burst every 15 seconds! Why the hell do they need to collect data that frequently???


i would say to go so far as to set all transmission towers two miles from any inhabited building…but that’s my take on it


Investigate the damage being done to humans and animals due to these towers. In France, they removed 4G towers because they were affecting animals on farms.

I’m on board with this!! Just finding out the cell tower less than a mile from my house is blasting EMF at my house and is the cause of the health battles I’ve been having the last several years. Had no clue…